Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Koreshan Fair is open!

The Koreshan Hillbilly Hoedown and Country Fair is open!  Come on over for a fun filled event July 1- 15th.  We have a lot planned and there's some awesome designers who have joined us to make this a really special thing!  Come on down and play some gacha style games and win prizes by Draconic Kiss, ANA_Mations, NillaBean, Sn@tch, Floorplan, Lisp, Friday, Studio Sidhe, Gaia Breedables and more!  Win tickets and trade them in for even MORE goodies at the Ticket Rally! Check out the cool rides and take a spin with a friend.

We will be posting a full calendar of events soon that include pageants and parties galore so stay tuned and swing by the fair!