So I found a quiz just now.. don't everyone get all excited at once :P Hey its my first post, gimmie a break! Anyway I thought this one was fun, well, because I consider myself a nerd.. or at least a dork. Lucky me I the test proved that!
The lies it tells! It says imma Non-Nerd. Even I know im a nerd. But i guess there's a difference between someone who knows computer programming languages verses someone who will go to star wars conventions dressed like a character from the movie.
Hey Sinjun, Thanks again for the gift. Just seems funny after hour half hour disscussion about gaming and with you being l33t'r, you'd score lower than I.
I am not sure if I am suppose to gloat or cry at this point...
You're not a nerd, nerds are smart!
J/k. >_> That's the best line from the simpsons ever.
I am slightly dorky and a comic geek though! :)
The lies it tells! It says imma Non-Nerd. Even I know im a nerd. But i guess there's a difference between someone who knows computer programming languages verses someone who will go to star wars conventions dressed like a character from the movie.
I got Nerd King.
Science/Math: 47%
Tech/Comp: 76%
Scifi/Comic: 84%
History/ Lit: 96%
Dork: 46%
First off, what the hell is wrong with reading??
Second off, I think I only score that high for dork because I have sex on a regular basis.
See!! Proof that reading is bad. LOL thats why i dont do it :P
Proof that I am uber smart without being a dork!
I got Nerd God.
Science/Math: 92%
Tech/Comp: 91%
Scifi/Comic: 99%
History/ Lit: 95%
Dork: 46%
and yeah I think the sex questions drop your dork score mostly.
did i take the wrong quiz? LOL i dont remember sex questions. haha
Drac quit being so in mensa all the time. It makes the rest of us feel stupid.
ROFL wow mine is low.. Stoopid werds! Mez stull smert!
\o/ I got
Mega-Dorky Sci-Fi / Comic Geek
Science/Math: 5%
Tech/Comp: 17%
Scifi/Comic: 91%
History/ Lit: 16%
Dork: 93%
although should I be this excited about being stupid?? I dunno I'll go console myself in my stack of comics, anime, and sci-fi dvds.
Uber-Dorky Non-Nerd
That's me, I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or not give a shit!!!!
lol, Calm down there preggars.
it's just the hormones!
I'm a Nerd King
Science/Math 59%
Tech/Comp 76%
SciFi/Comic 98%
Hist/Lit 63%
Dork 46%
so uh, now what?
jump for joy that your nerdy ass got a hot non-nerdy chick?
LOL, every time you tell me to calm down, I burst into giggles.
Damn you Noamtaters, how the hell am I sposed to stab a ho' if you keep making me chuckle!
Hey Sinjun, Thanks again for the gift. Just seems funny after hour half hour disscussion about gaming and with you being l33t'r, you'd score lower than I.
I am not sure if I am suppose to gloat or cry at this point...
Uber Cool High Nerd:
Science/Math: 80%
Tech/Comp: 89%
Scifi/Comic: 79%
History/ Lit: 71%
Dork: 8%
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